Rob O’Byrne knows a lot about logic and business. His company – Logistics Bureau – has offices in Australia, Thailand, Singapore and Vietnam. He told us,
“We really get a buzz out of helping people succeed, both with their businesses and their careers.”
The Logistics Bureau Group has been operating for 15 years and continues to grow, with three main business divisions: Logistics Bureau (Consulting), Benchmarking Success (Performance Improvement) and Supply Chain Secrets (Education). A pet project for the team involves developing a locally owned outsourcing business in the Philippines called Virtual Done Well that provides long term business career opportunities. Logistics Bureau is also a business partner with Buy1Give1.
“They’re an amazing organization,” Rob says. “Our partnership with B1G1 gives us the ability to make gifts to so many projects on behalf of our clients every time they buy services from Logistics Bureau, or any other company in the Logistics Bureau Group.”
At the completion of each assignment, Logistics Bureau clients are given a certificate that highlights the B1G1 gift that has been given on their behalf.
“Like many others,” Rob told us, “I was first inspired by hearing (B1G1 Chairman) Paul Dunn speak at a conference. We’d been searching for a way that, as a business, we could ‘give back’. We even had plans to start our own charity, but the B1G1 concept just seemed like a perfect ready-made vehicle. So we jumped on board straight away. I couldn’t wait to get started, so much so that our first act of giving was within an hour or two of joining!”
The company makes decisions about giving internally, and then surprises their clients with the presentation of a B1G1 certificate.
“We try to pick projects that will ‘resonate’ with our clients,” Rob says, “but we also like to ensure that the projects touch our internal staff too.”

The Logistics Bureau team posts all of the certificates in their head office, too. Eventually they hope the whole office will be ‘wallpapered’ with them, because they’re a great day-to-day reminder of the good that’s being done with the help of their clients’ patronage.
“We also tend to centre our giving on projects that focus on people rather than the environment,” Rob O’Byrne commented. “So fresh water, food, healthcare, and education feature highly. I have the task, which is the best part of my job, to make the final ‘giving project’ selection each time a client project wraps up. It’s a tremendous feeling of joy, knowing that we’re really making a difference in so many people’s lives.”