Giving is now as easy as ABC
Today marks 6 years since the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (also called ‘the SDGs’) were introduced.

(P/S If you don’t know what the SDGs are, you can find out more here)
Here at B1G1, we too are motivated by the SDGs because they give us a meaningful way to categorize all the giving happening in B1G1 - we tie every impact created in this initiative to these Global Goals so that even small businesses can contribute towards the collective global effort.
We are always thrilled to see how B1G1 Members innovatively incorporate the SDGs into their businesses. And in that same vein, we are always exploring new and innovative ways to make business giving easier, more impactful and all-encompassing.
This is why we are excited to introduce the BRAND NEW B1G1 ABC bundles!
So, what are the ABCs bundles?
Like its name - the goal of B1G1’s ABC bundles is to make contributions to the SDGs as easy as ABC. (Talk about triple rhyming!)
But beyond the ease of giving - the acronyms in ABCs represent something deeper and important.
First introduced by Temasek Group in Singapore, the ABC concept consolidates the 17 SDGs into 3 groups of interconnected SDGs as a way to illustrate what happens if we achieve these goals altogether.
Here’s what they mean:
A for Active Economy

‘Active economy’ is about building a more resilient and efficient economy. When there is an active economy, communities get access to increased social and economic benefits.
This bundle comprises projects that make impacts in:
- SDG 4. Quality Education
- SDG 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- SDG 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- SDG 10. Reduced Inequalities
- SDG 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- SDG 12. Responsible Consumption and Production.
B for Beautiful Society

Poverty, hunger, disparate access to healthcare, gender inequality, and global conflict are some of the major concerns of society today.
Your support towards the ‘Beautiful Society’ bundle creates impacts around the world and throughout a multitude of SDGs that aim to combat these problems.
This bundle comprises projects that make impacts in:
- SDG 1. No Poverty
- SDG 2. Zero Hunger
- SDG 3. Good Health and Well-being
- SDG 5. Gender Equality
- SDG 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- SDG 17. Partnerships for the Goal.
C for Clean Earth

We have just one Earth, and global warming is having severe consequences on our only home. Most sources give us until 2030 before irreversible damage is done.
There is still time to make a difference.
Your support for this bundle will make impacts throughout the world and throughout various SDGs, contributing towards a Clean Earth:
- SDG 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- SDG 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- SDG 13. Climate Action
- SDG 14. Life Below Water
- SDG 15. Life on Land
We are better together.

We celebrate the milestones that have been achieved through the Sustainable Development Goals over the last 6 years.
Despite this, the hard truth is that we still have a long way to go to create a truly sustainable world together.
There are still millions of children without access to quality education, many countries facing conflict, and global warming is happening - quicker than ever.
This makes the work that we do so much more important - which is why all hands on decks are needed to meet the SDGs to create a better world for all.
No matter how large or small, and regardless of industry, ALL businesses in the world can contribute to the SDGs. So here’s to using our business as a force for good - together.