What's happening Jan 22, 2013

Then maybe a video paints literally thousands.

This one certainly does. And it does it in 2 minutes and 22 seconds.

It’s called ‘GOOD JOB’ and it tells the story of a day in the lives of 400 children (plus some ‘grown ups’ too).

We shot the video on just one day of the B1G1 Study Tour into Cambodia (so much happens on EVERY day). Then one of our team, Elvin Monica, edited in a really creative way. This is the result.

When B1G1 founder, Masami Sato watched it for the first time, she texted us like this:

“It really conveys the spirit of B1G1. No guilt, no sadness. It’s full of joy, positive actions and great impact.

And it’s life changing. ;-)”

We think you’ll agree. Watch now.

And enjoy.

HAVE A STORY IDEA?hello@b1g1.com

Masami Sato

Masami is the founder and CEO of B1G1 and is the guiding light behind almost every project in B1G1! She is one of the most humble and inspiring people you’ll ever meet.

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