Why did we name Steve Pipe as B1G1’s first ever Global Impact Envoy?
Well, the term ‘envoy’ is interesting.
CHATGPT describes it in part this way:
Envoys play a crucial role in diplomacy, serving as intermediaries who facilitate communication.
They handle specific issues with high-ranking officials with broad authority to act on behalf of their government.
Remove the term ‘government and replace ‘high-ranking officials’ with ‘existing and potential B1G1 Members”, and you start to get a sense of what B1G1’s first Global Impact Envoy, Steve Pipe does.
But, in reality, that just scratches the surface.
B1G1’s founder Masami Sato puts it this way “Steve is a B1G1 member who has selflessly been doing extraordinary things for over 10 years to help us and our members bring about a better world”.
Significantly, Steve is not part of the B1G1 team as such, and is not on the payroll. Instead, he’s a valued long-term Member who is completely committed to the cause.
And he’s brilliantly qualified to be an Envoy. Along the way to scaling his consulting business to 40 people – and selling it on his 50th birthday – Steve was Head of Finance for a £140m division of a blue-chip multinational.
He also wrote a BBC TV series and 9 business books and was named UK Entrepreneur of The Year by a leading business magazine. He became an international keynote speaker and has more than 500 testimonials on LinkedIn.

Since retiring a few years ago, he now gives his time to support B1G1 members on all things Business for Good related – for free through his B1G1 RISE ‘Hive’ — a special B1G1 ‘configuration’ that links members of the Hive together as one.
In Steve’s case, his RISE Hive also provides free resources (including all of his books) that include step by step guides on
- How to use B1G1 to run ‘Meetings That Matter’
- How to use B1G1 to tackle climate change
- How to explain B1G1 to young children
- How to use B1G1 to get your name on the front cover of a brilliant business book
- How to use B1G1 to become the most inspiring accountancy practice for miles
Steve’s RISE Hive is named after his book called Our time to RISE - co-written by B1G1 co-founder, Paul Dunn - which he regards as the most important of his 9 books. That’s because it sets out a step-by-step guide to living a Life for Good as part of a Family for Good, while working in a Business for Good.
In 2023, Steve pulled these 3 themes together brilliantly in his fabulous TEDx talk titled: Tipping the Global Legacy Scales For Good (You can find it on the TEDx Youtube channel or on the homepage of Steve’s website.)
As B1G1’s first Global Impact Envoy, Steve’s three new areas of focus for 2024 onwards are:
1. Helping businesses use B1G1 to redefine how they set their targets, so that they are much more likely to be achieved;
2. Helping people set up a Family Global Impact Foundation – one that brings their family even closer together, and creates a wonderful legacy that will secure their place in history – that almost every family can afford;
3. And helping schools use B1G1 to turn pupils in better global citizens - creating opportunities for businesses and families to also get involved as low-cost sponsors in the process.
Steve provides help in all these areas at no cost – since he is now officially retired and simply wants to help create a better world for us all.
So, if you are interested in tapping into any of this for free, or you think your customers, contacts, friends, family members or schools might be, simply reach out to Steve through email or on his website.

As a result of him doing all of this for 12 years, Steve has also inspired and supported over 525 other businesses to join the B1G1 movement. He has also set a target of using B1G1 to unlock 61 MILLION DAYS of food, water, education and other life-changing help for people in need by 2030 (61 because Steve was born in '61)… and so far has achieved over 44 million impacts.
It was in recognition of this lifetime commitment to making the world a better place, that Steve was named in 2022 as B1G1's first ever Global Impact Envoy.
And we’ve every reason to be proud of him too. He keeps us even closer to the members AND he’s already created 525 new ones too! That’s called Envoy Excellence in Action isn’t it?