How A Woman-Led Business Is Empowering Women All Over the World

At B1G1 we believe that all stakeholders should be engaged in the joy of impact creation.

And that’s something Robbin Jorgensen and her team at Women Igniting Change® (WIC) do exceptionally well.

Women Igniting Change® is a strategic consulting firm that moves business AND humanity forward. They work with organizations to foster environments where women can thrive and truly make a difference.

During the pandemic, Robbin and her team launched The Global Changemakers Community, a program designed to bring together diverse women from around the world and provide them with learning opportunities to make a social impact that’s close to their hearts.

Since the very beginning, WIC has always contributed a percentage of its revenues to projects that support women and girls, although pre-B1G1 it was more ad-hoc. B1G1 has enabled them to streamline their giving and align with the Sustainable Development Goals which has always been important to them.

Their giving footprint has expanded, and through the 15 Recurring Impacts they’ve set up, they can now focus on a variety of micro impacts that serve women and girls all over the globe. The results have been powerful. They include:

  • 1,410 days of education
  • 1,192 days of access to improved sanitation
  • 2,075 life enhancement tools provided

Robbin put the power of B1G1 like this:

The tools you have are insane! They make our site look amazing and show the true impact of what we’re doing – which is incredible. It elevated our brand in contribution with yours, and we get comments on it ALL the time.

In addition to this, the B1G1/WIC  partnership has enabled Robbin and the team to elevate their brand, and through the B1G1 tools, the team has found a way to communicate the true impact of what they do. You can check out their Impact Page right here.


Robbin uses B1G1 in many creative ways to engage both her clients and team!

Robbin gets creative when engaging her clients and team in impact creation.

When working with a group of clients, she gets the SDGs up on a flip chart and lets them identify which area they want to create an impact – looking at those SDGs from the lens of how they affect women and girls. Those impacts then get directed toward the top three with the most votes.

Alongside this, she also provides them with a beautifully designed Gratitude Certificate on heavy-duty card stock, which they can then frame and be proud of the impact they’ve helped create. She continues to create impacts on their behalf to celebrate key milestones throughout the program they are participating in.

The WIC team and the individual impacts they are making.

Each team member has identified the SDGs they’re passionate about and Recurring Impacts have been set up to support at least one of these on behalf of the team member. This is showcased on their website, so future clients can see the areas each team member values.


Women Igniting Change ended 2023 having created over 15,000 impacts. Their plan over this year is to add 50,000 more and continue to uplift women and girls all over the world.

Because in the words of Melinda Gates, "When we invest in women and girls, we are investing in the people who invest in everyone else."  

What a profound thought that is.

If you’re interested in becoming a Business for Good, complete the Giving Plan below. We’ll send you a personalized plan to help get you started.