Connection is at the heart of this business for good.

Business Stories Jul 31, 2024

Imagine having to relocate for work…

Moving all your household goods, finding the right property, new schools for the kids, and on top of that, adapting to a new culture. Everything suddenly feels new and unknown.

That’s where Bristol Global Mobility (Bristol) comes in. Bristol is a global relocation management company that manages relocation logistics with an exceptional level of support and care. Plus, Bristol has a trusted network of suppliers to help deliver on this!

With all the moving parts that come together to make the relocation seamless for the client’s employees, Bristol’s core focus has always been around connection. Naturally, Bristol’s sustainability goals, and alignment with the United Nations SDGs stem from building connections.


Bristol Global's Katie Smith, Manager, Sustainability and DEI, and Natascha Clark, GMS-T, Director, Business Development, EMEA, attend the 'Business for Good Connection' event with Masami and Paul, in London.
Bristol Global's Katie Smith, Manager, Sustainability and DEI, and Natascha Clark, GMS-T, Director, Business Development, EMEA, attend the 'Business for Good Connection' event with Masami and Paul, in London.

Bristol has always had a long-standing commitment to social impact through supporting non-profits, team volunteering days, and in office activities to raise money for worthy causes.

Partnering with B1G1 has enabled global access to something even greater. Operating globally, Bristol wanted a solution that could inspire every associate to get involved in their giving program. B1G1 offers this to Bristol as a single, consolidated platform, with many worthy causes that can be aligned to Bristol’s own priority UN SDGs.

Bristol’s sustainability program, led by Katie Smith, Sustainability and DE&I Manager, centres around the overarching sustainability strategy, Move the World.

While Bristol already does this through the nature of the business, it’s important to also encompass real sustainable change for their four core stakeholders: employees, clients, suppliers, and the world (which includes communities and the environment).


A post by Katie showing Bristol Global's July impacts.
A post by Katie showing Bristol Global's July impacts.

Every month, Bristol associates are invited to select their favourite B1G1 project from a list of four or five worthy causes. Based on the results, Bristol will give to those projects on their behalf. If there are special awareness days or campaigns, the projects will relate to a certain theme. For example, Bristol recently provided the following for International Women’s Day:

·      5,000 days of feminine hygiene support were provided for girls to help keep them in school.

·      600 days of access to health awareness sessions were given.

·      30 days of bookkeeping skills training provided to women.

·      And 28 days of vocational training.

Through the monthly B1G1 polls, we can choose projects that mean the most to each of us. We can really feel that we're making a difference to the causes closest to our hearts. - Valerie Wakeham, Senior Vice President, Finance & Operations


With Make your Move Count, a relocating employee receives an email with a link to B1G1’s Engagement Tool, where they can select the impact that most resonates.
With Make your Move Count, a relocating employee receives an email with a link to B1G1’s Engagement Tool, where they can select the impact that most resonates.

Make your Move Count is an initiative to involve Bristol’s clients’ relocating employees in the B1G1 process. During the relocation, the employee will receive an email with a link to B1G1’s Engagement Tool, where they can select the impact that most resonates. It’s a great way for Bristol to open up a conversation around social impact, to create deeper client relationships, and make even more good things happen!

In addition to the Engagement Tool, Bristol also provides clients with bespoke carbon footprint reports to share awareness of generated emissions through their services. Last year, through B1G1, Bristol planted one tree for every move that was managed.


Moving forward, Bristol wants to continue expanding what they’re already doing and hopes to involve more associates into the B1G1 process, giving further agency to employees and further integrating the initiative across the whole business.

Bristol is also focused on engaging both their suppliers and clients in conversations around sustainability and is committed to using their connections to accelerate positive change.

If you’re interested in becoming a Business for Good, complete the Giving Plan below. We’ll send you a personalized plan to help get you started.

Rakhee Shah

When Rakhee’s not talking about B1G1, you can usually find her spending time with her family and friends, at a Bollywood dance class, or on a nature trail somewhere!

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