Say ‘Hello’ to our New Worthy Causes! (Q1 and Q2 of 2022)
Say ‘Hello’ to our New Worthy Causes! (Q1 and Q2 of 2022)
Can you believe that we’re already crossing the halfway mark of 2022?
As we move towards the second half of 2022, we are thrilled to welcome another 4 new Worthy Causes on board!
The 15 newly listed projects can be found in the UK, India, Bolivia, Kenya, Peru, Honduras, Guatemala, and Nicaragua. And collectively, they work towards 7 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals!
Rajasthan Samgrah Kalyan Sansthan

Rajasthan Samgrah Kalyan Sansthan (RSKS India) operates on the Gandhian Philosophy, “a small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.”
Over the last 29 years, RSKS India has been faithfully serving marginalized communities. Their main areas of work include women and children empowerment and education and supporting sustainable livelihoods.
Besides helping people, RSKS India helps the planet through their environmental conservation, agriculture and livestock programs. These programs include training farmers in organic farming, saving India’s almost extinct sparrow population and more.
Find out how you can support RSKS India B1G1 projects here
Kilimanjaro Blind Trust Africa

We are living in an increasingly connected world.
Everything we do, from ordering food to going to school, has a digital element - which is why having digital literacy in schools has never been more essential to help the next generation navigate our digitized world.
However, for the visually impaired, the journey is riddled with many obstacles.
We are so thankful to B1G1 Worthy Cause Kilimanjaro Blind Trust Africa (KBTA), who is working to make this journey easier by offering digital Braille literacy & life skills to children and young adults with visual impairment and deaf-blindness.
KBTA hopes that through this, children and young adults can receive quality education, higher job placement rates, and a higher level of integration and independent living.
Find out how you can support Kilimanjaro Blind Trust Africa’s B1G1 projects here
Water For People

“We spend years, not days, in communities.”
B1G1 Worthy Cause - Water For People’s mission statement is a reflection of their commitment to long-term work in communities to ensure they get access to clean water.
And creating this access to clean water has made a ripple effect - there are fewer deaths caused by contaminated water and children stay in school longer. In addition, improved health means better work performance and a stronger economy.
Water For People also has a wealth of experience - with over 30 years of involvement in 9 countries like Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Peru, Malawi, Rwanda, Uganda, and India.
Some of their projects include drilling wells, sanitation projects, building pipe infrastructure and more.
Find out how you can support Water For People’s B1G1 projects here
The Louise Project

The Roma migrant community is one of the most marginalized groups in Europe.
For centuries, they have experienced prejudice and discrimination. This has resulted in Roma communities having low literacy levels, health problems and poverty.
B1G1 Worthy Cause The Louise Project works to offer a safe refuge for the Roma migrant communities and other groups so they can heal and thrive in dignity. Some services they provide include digital literacy classes, community integration, and more.
Find out how you can support The Louise Project’s B1G1 projects here