B1G1 BRANDING: How to integrate your giving message on your website… and more

Insights Apr 08, 2020


Our members often ask us for ‘the best way’ to incorporate their giving message on their websites. And we do encourage all our members to create a special page to express their impact and their business mission wherever possible.

It’s easy to do so ,whether it’s by embedding the B1G1 Widgets or using the resources from the B1G1 Business for Good media kit. That said, the most important thing about what you display on your special Impact Page is your genuine sharing; the belief you have as a business, the compassion you feel as a person, and the joy you experience through your giving.

Here are some live Impact Pages by B1G1 Members to check out below.

She Almighty - A life coach that makes impacts to girls and women through B1G1

Kula Health - A health and wellness practice with a giving goal that inspires their clients

Collins Hume - Aussie accountants using B1G1 to enhance their giving, and create a global impact

Slumbersac - A retail business that makes an impact from every product sold

Chiroworks - A chiropractor in Singapore that gives to varied projects to express his gratitude

Inspire CA - An unconventional accountancy firm in Brisbane with simple but powerful giving stories

Coe & Coe - An Australian cafe making each purchase purposeful

Mental Health Academy - An online education provider making impacts locally and globally

Aspect Legal - A law firm that gives to celebrate their clients


If you have a retail business, you might want to add the B1G1 message and branding to your product packaging and labels too. This way, your customers and clients can experience the joy of giving with you right at the moment they purchase your product. We’ve listed some examples below for you. You can also ask for specific graphics from us and we always love being part of your product design process.



Sometimes, people ask us whether their specific giving activities should be expressed clearly to their clients or if it should be shared more modestly.

While we cannot speak for everyone, we do believe that all B1G1 businesses give because they genuinely care and want to do great things with their business. We believe that because that’s what we share when businesses are interested in learning about B1G1. We encourage every business in B1G1 to communicate their WHY — why they choose to give— because we believe that the only way to create a world that’s full of giving is by encouraging every business to implement regular giving activities.

But that does not mean that we are asking everyone to always express their HOW — how specific business activities contribute to a B1G1 impact — overtly. It’s perfectly fine not to tell anyone about your giving if you want to give privately as a business. And sometimes, you might just want to express your gratitude and share the joy of your giving business to your team and customers, for the part they play in making your business greater and in turn creating even greater impacts together.

We hope you’ll find your favorite way  to express your joy, your gratitude, and your belief in how your business desires to make a difference to others.

Florencia Lim

It’s hard not to fall in love with B1G1 when you speak with Florencia! She inspires the team too when she shares about the amazing interactions in the B1G1 community.

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