Jon Mailer started life as a Sheep Shearer.
Now he and his wife Danyelle own and run one of the most extraordinary business training companies on the planet — Queensland-based National College of Business.
And together with an amazing team, they’re rapidly becoming not just a hub for great businesses but a hub for great giving too. Just after two months of B1G1 Membership they’ve:
• Given 13,140 people access to clean water for a day
• Given 3,200 people internet or phone connection for a day
• Given 2,521 children education support for a day
• Given 200 people in need a nourishing meal
• Given 120 children in need a meal at school
• Given 110 people in need transportation for a day
• Given 100 children a special life education program
• Given 100 school teachers a full days wage
• Planted 80 trees to nurture the environment
• Given 42 people occupational training for a day
• Given 12 people in need accommodation for a day
• Given 1 family a goat to provide sustainable income
And that’s just their direct giving. But there’s even more because B1G1 tracks the giving of the businesses NCB has recommended to be a part of B1G1 and links that directly to the College. It’s called the Leveraged Giving Impact. And here, there are some equally amazing impacts after just 4 weeks. Companies whose giving is linked to NCB have:
• Given 367,068 children education support for a day
• Given 25,432 people access to clean water for a day
• Given 10,950 people in need accommodation for a day
• Given 700 square meters of rainforest protection
• Given 365 children a life education program for a day
• Given 300 people improvement of personal hygiene for a day
• Given 150 children in need a meal at school
• Given 110 children computer education for a day
• Planted 50 trees to nurture the environment
• Given 40 people in need transportation for a day
• Given 25 people in need a nourishing meal
• Given 22 people a special gift
• Given 5 children a special life education program
• Given 3 families goats to provide sustainable income
• Given 1 person in need required medication
Jon has an extraordinary organization — you just feel the buzz when you walk in. And the clients (Jon and the team refer to them as ‘friends’) absolutely love the impact of the programs the College provides both on its Gold Coast and Brisbane Campuses.
For Jon and the team, it’s all about thinking the opposite.
And Jon’s been doing that all his working life. He recalls how at 21 years of age after studying at Agricultural College he was sheep shearing. “I looked at the other shearers most of whom were in their 40s, cigarettes out of their mouths, pretty substantial tummies, and I realized this wasn’t a ‘possible future’ that inspired me.”
So Jon, fit from his shearing and, as he puts it, loving what ladies looked like in lycra at the gyms, effectively pioneered Australia’s first personal training companies. He went on to develop some of the first business profit centers – via personal training – in the country and then ‘exported’ his knowledge and passion across to New Zealand.
And yes, he did meet Danyelle in lycra!
“Our success in the fitness industry came even though in many ways we knew nothing about creating great businesses — so we looked around for someone to coach us so that we could grow more. But we could find no-one who could do that,” Jon explains.
“So, essentially just as an experiment, one day I presented a Seminar to a group of business owners and they loved it!”
And so NCB was created. And now a staggering 2,329 businesses have experienced the great things they do — the website is just full of glowing comments.
At B1G1 we’re thrilled to have Jon and the team at the National College of Business as B1G1 Partners. They inspire us. And the way they’ve ‘embedded’ B1G1 to make the college a ‘Giving College’ makes sure that even more people will be impacted by them around the world.