Sometimes, creating a well-loved giving campaign in your business can feel a bit like Halloween: a little scary, a little exciting, and you want to make sure your everyone has a sweet time!

So this October, we thought you might enjoy some fun Halloween giving ideas that you can implement with your team AND clients! Here are 5 ideas by the B1G1 team inspired by our B1G1 Businesses – so have some fun, try it out, and tell us how you go!


Gather ’round, everyone! There’s never a better time where you get to ask for candy, involve your community, and create an impact while having tons of fun all at the same time – so get dressed as your favourite Halloween character and go trick-or-treating around the neighbourhood with your teams, families and clients. But this Halloween, every piece of candy collected also creates an impact! You can even choose one or several B1G1 projects to support and get everyone to vote on their favourite B1G1 causes. Don’t eat it all that candy in one go.


Place a Giving Pumpkin and a bell at your workplace where everyone can see it. Anytime anyone achieves a goal this month (no matter how big or small, professional or personal), they get to ring the bell and put a piece of candy in the Giving Pumpkin (where every piece of candy represents a giving impact). Keep counting those achievements and giving on a leaderboard so you and your team can experience and connect with a greater purpose with every win! To upsize this initiative, set a Giving Goal before you do that, and encourage everyone to keep celebrating the little moments of achievement with gratitude.


This is an oldie but a goodie: make it a promise this month to celebrate significant milestones in a meaningfully. If your client/teammate is turning 38 this month, create 38 or 3,800 impacts towards a project they love. Or for every progress to your business goal, create a corresponding number of impacts. If you’re celebrating a special year in business, celebrate by paying it forward to a cause that matters to you and the business.Now that’s a way to spice up everything you do!


…I feel like it…!”

Celebrate anything. Not because we have to, and just because we can! We just need 1 good reason why we give back – and if that’s not reason enough, a fun, sweet holiday sure helps.


This may not be a giving idea, but it’s an important philosophy we can bring every day. Halloween comes only once a year, but you don’t have to wait for any special occasion to create or experience magic! Try journaling 3 things you’re grateful for every day and make a note to create a giving for everything you’re thankful for. The more we appreciate what we have, the more we can pour into others. Let’s use the much we have to serve the many with little!

These examples are simple to execute, but most of all, fun! Giving can sometimes seem like a “serious” topic. But with a pinch of creativity and a sprinkle of fun, giving has the power to lift, excite and empower your teams and clients to think outside the box on how they make an impact every day.

And to make October even more frightfully exciting, you’ll definitely want to be there at the October Connect Plus! It’s 35 fast-paced, interactive minutes filled with even more updates and great new happenings at B1G1. We’ll be sharing insights from the B1G1 STUDY TOUR KENYA 2019 that a group of our members went on last week, as well as some surprises and ideas for your giving!

Be sure to check your inbox for the sessions in your time zone – and we’ll see you there.

Have a boo-tiful Halloween!